☑ We believe in the biblical method of supporting God's work and ministries, thatis, by tithes and offerings according to Malachi 3, Romans 11, and Leviticus 27:32,and Isaiah 6:13. No refunds of tithes and offerings is permissible.

☑ One God, Creator of heaven and earth - who consists in three members or persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit); Matt. 3:16,17     ·

☑ Jesus Christ The Son and only begotten of the Father, the Savior of the World; LK. 2:11

☑ Christ Jesus atoning death, which provides salvation for our spirits, healing for our bodies, and deliverance (peace) for our souls and minds; Isa. 53:5

  1. The bodily resurrection, ascension, and enthronement of Jesus Christ at the right hand of God the Father; Eph. 1:19-22

  2. The mystical body of Christ, the church, which is made up of born again believers who have been baptized (placed) into union with Christ by the Holy Spirit-when they believed on him; I Cor. 12:13

  • That believers are the righteousness of God in Christ; II Cor. 5:21

  • That believers have redemption in Christ, even the remission of sins; Col. 1:14,

  • and redemption from the curse of the law i.e., sickness, poverty, etc. Gal. 3:13

  • That believers in Christ have been delivered from the authority of darkness and have been translated into the kingdom of God's dear Son; Col. 1:13

  • That believers in Christ have the mind of Christ are one spirit with him, and share his nature; Phil. 2:5

  • That believers in Christ have been given the power of attorney to use his name and have taken his place and ministry in the earth; Mk. 16:17, 18

  • That believers in Christ have been empowered with his ability through the baptism in the Holy Spirit to continue His ministry in the earth; Acts 1;8

  • That believers in Christ are overcomers, more than conquerors, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ.

  • That believers in Christ are the salt of the earth, the light of the world, ambassadors for Christ and are ministers of reconciliation (and not of condemnation) Il Cor.5:18,20

  • We believe that a marriage constitutes a male and female Gen. 1:27; 2:21-

☑ Righteousness and true holiness are the heart (and do not consist in externals) and are the Bible standard of conduct for the Christian; Eph. 4:24

☑ The two ordinances which Christ gave to His church:

  • Water baptism of believers in the name That belongs to the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost, which is the Lord Jesus Christ, as confirmed by Matt. 28:19, Acts 2:38, Acts 8: I 6, Acts 10:48, and Acts 19:5 and intimated in I Cor. 1:13, 16; 6: I 1; Col. 3:17 and.

  • Communion or the Lord's Supper; 1-fatt. 26:26-28; I Car. 11:23-34

☑ The glorious second coming of Christ, which includes the rapture of the church and return of our Lord; Matt. 24:29,30; II Thess. 2:1-3; I Thess. 4:16

☑ That the Lord requires Christians to love one another as Christ loved us (John. 15:12) and that we should endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace...until we ail come into the unity of the faith; Eph. 4:3, 13.

☑ The great Commission of Jesus Christ to His church to "Go ye therefore into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature..., " with signs following and to be occupied until He comes again: iv1K. 16:15-20; Lk. 19-13